I've hacked and slashed at the NHL Network before and posted
my list of suggestions for improvement. In that post I said that I was fine with the former cast of characters on NHL on the Fly.

I didn't realize what I was missing. The idea to add Kevin Weekes is proving to be genius. I saw him earlier in the year on Hockey Night In Canada and he seemed a little out of place in a postgame interview with Pat Quinn but on the Fly set, Weeksie is stellar. He is comfortable, he provides insight and information that you don't usually get. He knows his stuff - pointing out which goalie wears which gear? Huet had RBK back in Montreal? wow - and he communicates well. I certainly think he is making the usually competent Pittsburgh homer Bob Errey look poor by comparison.
As we've seen with JD, Razor and Panger, goaltenders make good analysts and Weeksie is proving to be no exception. Congrats to him and a pat on the back to the NHL Network for putting him on. So, now that the NHL Network has raised the talent level, how soon until MSG follows suit? Don't let the door hitcha Joe ...
To be fair to Weeksie, that Quinn interview was only his second game for CBC. I'm sure he will adjust to the After Hours portion, because I think he's done good as a color guy for them.
Is that a bad pun? Color guy?
Sorry I had too.
I'm certain I won't be watching too much of Weeksie, but, that is truly my loss, because I really want to hear the nicknames he comes up with for people. They look to be stellar. For example, Wade "Orville" Redden(bacher). I love it.
I'm sorry that Weeksie didn't make it as a goalie, but he always had a good personality. TV should suit him well.
Yeah, I don't get the NHL network (or else I'd NEVER leave the house!) But Weekes does have a great personality and is frankly fellas, he's easy on the eyes as well. Maybe they can get rid of Pitko, who has experience from ESPN, but seems stiff as a board now that he's on MSG. I'd love to see Weekes here in NYC. He's certainly familiar with the market!
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