The brain now knows what to do in the spotlight, but Tuesday will determine way too many of the body parts that has to do the dancing. If you look back at the Cup winners since 1994 they all had a corps (get it?) made up primarily of home-grown or long-term talent and the biggest parts of those teams came from top picks after the team completely fell on its face. The Rangers fell on their face but blew the draft picks (five top 10 picks in the 10 years after the Cup). They never were able to draft Steve Yzerman, Mike Modano, Vinny Lecavalier, Eric Lindros (who turned into Peter Forsberg) or Eric Staal. Recent Ranger drafts appear to have been able to produce a nice bounty but the main parts of this monster still need to be signed in free agency.
We have a goaltender, that's for sure, but beyond that there are a lot of positions where we may have something down the line, but nothing right now. We don't have a No. 1 defenseman (Rozy is free). We don't have a power play quarterback (and we haven't since Leetchy left). We don't have a scoring winger (Jagr appears as good as gone). We don't have a heart (bye Sean, we loved having you). This is pretty damned depressing. As I said, we may have solid substitutes in a few years - Marc Staal, Bobby Sanguinetti, Alexei Cherepanov, Brandon Dubinsky, respectively - but we don't have it now. Replacements for 2008-09 will have to come from a shallow free agent pool that will incite salaries that are certain to send this league to another lockout when the CBA runs out.
I've been asked many times who I want the Rangers to sign and, while I think it would be neat to see Sundin or Orpik or a few others, I have to say that I would probably be happiest if the Rangers stood pat. This hired gun thing, the picking up pieces of different puzzles and hoping they fit together isn't the right way to build a team. The time when it worked to win a Cup is long gone. In the last few years the monster got some new parts grafted on so it could shuffle around and get the crowd to clap but that's about it. It isn't until the Ranger brass puts him together the right way that he will be able to dance with Stanley. If the current crop of Ranger free agents want to leave, let them go, but don't bother breaking the bank to replace them. Use the extra money earmarked for salaries towards the planned renovation of the Garden.
In a few years we should have a team worth playing in it.
My wish list is something like this....PLEASE GOD RE-SIGN AVERY & RE-SIGN JAGR! GO GET CAMPBELL & OPRIK. Good bye to Straka (obviously), good bye to Shanny, good bye to Rosy if he wants top D pay. your article although amusing is already throwing my 2 favorite players out the door. Good chance you are right but until they sign else where I keep praying they sign with us. If you asked all the Ranger fans to donate 10 bucks for Avery's contract to cover the difference the Rangers and him are apart the deal would be done tomorrow.
MSG should save their cash spend it on better hamburgers. those things are pretty much leftover hockey pucks from previous seasons.
Brother - its heartbreaking to see Sean go. Believe you me, I wish he would stick around at whatever the cost. But you and I don't mean anything to Sather, he is the king of the mountain and no one should feel they have any power over him. Its a stupid egotistical game that will end up costing the Rangers but there is nothing we can do about it ...
And Sean - what are you doing getting burgers at the Garden?? Everyone knows you have to get the prime rib sandwich ...
Good day, sun shines!
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