The NHL Network is rightly revered among us hockey fans but we've all seen its plethora of flaws. Last week Matt at View From My Seats wrote that "there's so much potential" and he is absolutely right. But, as was also mentioned in the piece, the league has cheaped out on the follow through and "the bottom line is that the league (and apparently Comcast) needs to spend some time and money to make the product better."
VFMS suggest an improved set and better personalities for On The Fly. While the set definitely needs expansion, the bland broadcasters are just fine with me. I don't want Sportscenter attitude and catch phrases. We love our humble, low-key hockey stars so why do we need to get all Stu Scott and put the puck up where momma keeps the cookie jar?

Now that I addressed the commercial breaks, how about some show ideas? I was actually considering putting together true show pitches but don't have the time and sadly feel they would fall upon deaf ears with the powers that be. I don't think they will with you guys so here are a few, with basic breakdowns. All can be done quite cost effectively by the way ... all names are negotiable:
*Home Ice Advantage: Virtually a travel show, this gives an inside look at each of the NHL's buildings (and beyond perhaps). Not only will you get a history lesson and guided tour by a player or personality, you would also get inside tips from season ticket holders - where the best food is, the best views, the minutia that makes each barn special. MLB Network has the Cathedrals Of The Game, and let's face it, hockey arenas provide a much bigger advantage for the home team than baseball does. So let's take a look how and why.
*The Locker Room: A look at everything that goes into getting on the ice. It would include a look the newest, coolest equipment out there. Sure there would be some product placement by league sponsors, but it could be done in an informative way - how to pick the stick curve that suits your shot? how should your skates fit? what should you look for in a helmet? And once you have that, what ways should you train? What kind of exercises should you do? Drills? If working at Sports Authority for years taught me anything, it's that most people don't have a clue.
*Puck Stuff: Like Sal's Puck Junk blog, it would cover memorabilia. While his site centers on cards, it could go even further with everything from board games to jerseys. The game-worn sweater market is huge, take a trip to the MeiGrey summer sale. Thousands of people go on YouTube to watch box-breaks for the newest Upper Deck line, so why not include something like that? Patrick Roy is said to be a huuuge card collector, have him give a tour of his set up. Get a tour of the manufacturing plants for some of this stuff. Press Pass TV did it with Mitchell & Ness and it was nerd-tastic.

*International Match Of The Week: Well, this isn't really a program but why couldn't the NHL air a Swedish/Finnish/Swiss/Czech league game? (No Russians, not with the Ice Cold War going on.) Every once so rarely (too rarely) we are treated to junior or minor league matches, so why not see them play on the other side of the pond? As I saw in Switzerland and England (and read in Tropic of Hockey), there is a planet of pucks out there so let's see it. The NHL needs to realize that promoting the sport of hockey - even if it isn't their own games - can only be good for them in the long run.
What do you think? Would you tune in?
Locker Room sounds very cool. I LOVE Hockey but never played so I know diddly about the equipment. I'd love to know all about that stuff. I also like the idea of Home Ice to see what all the other facilities look like.
If anyone ever wondered what a die hard hockey fan does at 4am during the offseason, they can wonder no more. HAHA.
Some great ideas my favorite is HOME ICE ADVANTAGE. Kind of like a mix between VS, the TRAVEL CHANNEL, and FOOD NETWORK show. I would love it.
PUCK STUFF was my least favorite but I think everything else is great and i would definitely watch
VIN - Section 316
Scotty, I think those are some great ideas. My favorite is also Home Ice Advantage. You should find an exec at the channel and pitch it to him!
Maybe you can get Wysh to turn his Jersey Foul section into a show, based on camera phone video clips instead of camera phone photos. And then he can but some nice commentary over them, MST3K fan that he is ;)
i like the idea of showing international games.
the only problem would be the language barrier...it sounds like these shows, and most of the NHL network shows are extremely cheap to make...if you showed swedish, finnish, czech, swiss, or german league games, you couldn't just show the original broadcast, you'd have to hire english speaking announcers and fly them out every week. or dub the broadcasts, which always sounds stupid.
These are all FANTASTIC ideas. The NHL Network would be smart to throw out a net to bloggers. We could probably fill a bunch of programming for dirt cheap prices.
Would I hop on a job at NHL Network if they gave me rope? Hell yeah.
Home Ice Advantage is definitely best of the bunch. All of the others are good ideas too.
I don't think it would be that difficult to rebroadcast international games. GOL TV and Fox Soccer Channel do it all the time. If the broadcast isn't in English they put the feed on a slight delay. They have commentary from a US team sitting in a studio watching the feed as it comes across.
I love the NHLN, but if I have to watch another series of rebroadcasts of the playoffs, I'm going to gouge my eyes out. Oh boy, game one of the Rangers/Caps for the twenty seventh time.
I know this was written in August, but I just had to chime in about how great of an idea this is! Seriously would watch all of them. I would absolutely love if they played International Hockey and even some more AHL games. All and every hockey game out there ahaha.
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