I was in good spirits coming out of the movie theater this evening, after spending two and a half hours with my brain shut down enjoying Transformers. I stepped into the light and turned on my cell phone to find a dozen texts and voicemails - all telling me of the wonderful news:
Scott Gomez is gone.
While I won't take back all of the bad things I have ever said about Glen Sather (Wade Redden is still a Ranger), this definitely lightens my outlook. And for him to get back a return - any return - for Gomez is just stupefying. So this is why he is in the Hall of Fame. Wow.
No more smiling after losses. No more attacks aborted by a moronic offsides. No more skating into triple coverage to dump the puck five feet away and run for the bench. No more Scott Gomez.
Oh, happy day!
And all it took was Michael Busto and Tom Pyatt? Two of Tom Renney's prospects who had no future in the Ranger organization - Jess from Prospect Park held just short of calling Pyatt a bust just the other day.
But wait! It gets better! We get the capable Chris Higgins, bluechip blueliners Ryan McDonagh and Doug Janik, some Russian Pavel Valentenko and roughly six million dollars in cap space. Folly, thy name be Bob. How Gainey could make this trade is beyond me. But I love it.
Of course, the Rangers still need top line talent but this was a wondrous move. HOWEVER, I wouldn't be me if I didn't temper my excitement with a some cynicism. This transaction is the first domino to fall ... which one tumbles next?
Heatley? Dealing Gomez away means that it would be foolish to let Dubinsky go as well but he can put the puck in the net. And he wouldn't have to drive, living in Manhattan and all ...
Sedin twins? Having Hank here has to be alluring to the Swedish studs and Cally would look pretty spectacular on a first line with them.
Hossa? His brother was jeered here (and for good reason) but in New York he will get to challenge the Pens and their fans.
Sundin? He was awfully close to coming here earlier this year and, on a short term stint, he would certainly fit into a plan of win-now and let the kids develop blueprint.
Gaborik? The risk/reward ratio is nearly even and Sather is a gambler ...
Honestly, I am not about to guess because the Gomez giveaway sure-as-hell came out of nowhere; I'll just sit back and enjoy the show. As I just saw in the Michael Bay blockbuster, a lot of flash and bang makes for one fun diversion.
Let's hope this doesn't turn into a 7 year deal for Hossa. I fear him coming here and plahying like he did in the playoffs this year...
you know scott, the jokes about heatley's accident are in real f'ing poor taste. he accidentally killed a friend, that's not something to poke fun at or try (and fail btw) to be witty about.
It is very poor that the NHL would allow a convicted murderer to play in the league. But they do, so I call it as I see it.
yeah, because getting into a car accident when you were not drunk and killing a friend bares the same weight as somebody shooting and killing said friend.
solid logic.
whats great is that higgins adds leadership that the rangers need and they get the habs number 1 prospect! that is amazing, who is ranked 18 overall in prospects according to hockey future. Say what you want about sather, but it comes to trades, he is mighty fine.
MAN you guys must be thrilled! I am shocked that Sather pulled this off! I checked around, and the Habs fans are freaking the hell out.
(As far as your 1018pm comment goes I was all set to state a few facts on that but I realized that you were not talking about who I thought you were talking about.)
Just announced on tsn.ca, the Sens have a deal in place with the Oilers for Heatley, pending the waiving of his no-trade... so it looks like Sather will be opening the wallet tomorrow...
Goodbuy Scotty Gomez. I hope the Hab fans like the Kool Aid grin every night. It was a tired act here.
So here we are again in the heat of the Summer looking forward to Ranger Hockey. Gotta love being a Ranger Fan. It takes your mind off of the other shit that is going on around the world. Puts hope in another season.
I for one am a huge Shanahan fan, although I don't hold out much hope that he will be back in a Ranger uniform. It would be nice to have a veteran leader on the ice and in the clubhouse. Hey I would get to wear my Shanny pin, and dog tags. I love them. Thanks Scott once again for being all over it.....
HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Higgins AND McDonagh for Gomez. And freeing up 5.5 mill. Am I dreaming? I almost forgive Sather for the Redden trade. Almost.
I read this just now and I am actually smiling for a change. I just hope he does something stellar with the open cap space.
Scotty --
Nice mention over at Puck Daddy:
I can only imagine the grin on your face, haha.
Depending how he does there, this may not be as lopsided as it seems. Kovi is still a very good player, as is Tanguay, assuming both are signed. Watch Gomez pull a 90 pointer next season....
I can only hope that Redden and/or Drury gets the boot, and that Slats doesn't goof up the FA signing he's inevitably going to do. I really don't want Heater, just cuz we can get someone for cash without giving up talent.
Actually, it should be AmeriCan't. On a later post about Brashear, you say color and creed (and one would logically assume ethnicity) doesn't matter.
And yet what is the first card you play to bid goodbye to Gomez, a huge disappointment as a Ranger? The color/creed/ethnicity card.
Been around too long in sports journalism to be offended anymore. Just disappointed.
Seriously.. Mexican't? way to jack a shitty movie
A little off topic, Guys... I have a question. Last weekend I discovered this site:
[url=http://www.rivalspot.com]Rivalspot.com - Play Ps3 tournaments for cash[/url]
They say you can play online Nhl2k game tournaments on any console for cash... had anyone tried that before? Looks like a cool idea...
Are there any other sites where you can play sports games for real moneys? I Googled and found only Bringit.com and Worldgaming.com but it looks these guys don't specialize in sport gamez. Any suggestions?
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