*The guys at Way Offside came up with a great term for the idiocy that has been perpetrated by the Flyers Steve Downie: Downie's Syndrome. Love it.

*Speaking of the Post, apparently they have an online blog too, called The Blue Seats. Apparently I had looked at it before but had discarded it, and looking again I can see if was for good reason: It isn't written by Brooks, it is two nobodies at the Post that write a fan blog. While I do greatly appreciate fan blogs (*ahem*), I don't want one from an accredited news source. As crappy and in-the-bed-with-the-Islanders as Newsday as, Steve Zipay's On The Rangers Beat does a magnificent job of blogging, well, on the Rangers beat. If I wanted a little bit of opinion with my information, then Sam Weinman's Rangers Report is the place to go. But, not only are the writers at The Blue Seats mediocre, they are also being unprofessional as the Post is supposed to be MSM (MainStream Media).

*Now I don't speak Swedish, and I definitely don't speak Czech, but nonetheless I've been invited to help out over at The Dark Ranger's page. I haven't written anything for him yet, but you can be sure I will link Scotty Hockey to whatever I write, if only for the whoring, I mean, ego boost, lol.
*I kinda laughed at the play, but it appears that Marty Straka really did give himself a concussion in Edmonton. Feel free to clink the link for more info on the Rangers heading into tonight's game against Tampa Bay.

*Stories like this never get old. So great to see ...
*One last thought before I get going - Mirtle presented an interesting idea to extend overtime to 10 minutes. As strange as it seems, I am actually really intrigued - if only to avoid some shootouts (I still think we need to avoid three-point games but that is for another blog, another time). Mirtle makes a great argument for extending the four-on-four; what do you think?
Shout out to you and thanks as hundreds of readers are pulling out their Czech/English dictionaries. Looking forward to a little Scotty action -- you will bring more civility to our Dark-gers.
@ the dark ranger: from what I could glean from broken internet translations, apparently he is known in English as "Springtime Jagr." For some reason, this amuses me to no end.
TDR - I will give it my best, just point me in a direction and I will rant away.
LD - Springtime Jagr? Isn't that a song from the Producers?
"Springtime Jagr? Isn't that a song from the Producers?" Perhaps, I don't know. It sounds like something edible, like a dessert or something.
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