Thursday, August 21, 2008

Foreshadowing Or A Mistake??

With today's announcements sealing the honours for Graves, Bathgate and Howell, the Rangers will have retired seven numbers: 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 11, and 35.

However, on the Ranger homepage, there is a new poll that says, "By 2009, eight Rangers' jerseys will be retired. As of right now, how many more would still merit this honor?"

Does this mean that we will finally be seeing a official retirement ceremony for #99 this season?? Perhaps when Gretz comes through town with the Yotes on November 24th?

Or will another former Ranger head to the rafters? Jean Ratelle, Frank Boucher or Lester Patrick perhaps? Or did the Rangers web monkey just forget how to count? What do you think?


Anonymous said...

It probably is referring to the amount of players that have the honor rather than the actual numbers. I'm assuming there will be two banners for #9, one each for Gravy and Bathgate so there will be only 7 retired numbers but 8 banners.

Scotty Hockey said...

Well that's no fun ...