In addition to its "Hockey Night in Canada" telecasts, the public broadcaster for the first time will offer live and on-demand screening of NHL games via the Internet. The new service begins with the Sept. 29 matchup between the Anaheim Ducks and Los Angeles Kings, set to take place in London.
This is fantastic because Vs. decided not to pick up coverage of the UK games so American hockey fans (yes there are plenty of us) will be able to tune in ...

Now, someone has to work on a way we can watch the upcoming Canada/Russia Super Series and get to see just how good our boys Alexei Cherepanov and Artem Anisimov really are. The tournament for players under 20 begins Aug. 27 and will feature four games in Russia and four in Canada. Somehow none of our Canadian kids made the team but that is alright, less of a chance for injury. For Cherry and Double-A its good as they will finally get some exposure that they weren't able to get playing in the Motherland. And hopefully, that will propel them to have good camps and the Rangers will at least give Double-A a shot to make the roster.
This is great news, as I need to be immersed into the strange world of Don Cherry and his wild outfits. I, too, love Canada. In fact, I married a beautiful hockey-lovin Canadian from Toronto. This strategy makes for more home game attendance than your regular married American Joe.
You are a lucky man Dark Ranger. Count your blessings, lol.
This blog sucked!
While I could remark as to the incredible composition of your blog Eddy, I think I will let it speak for you itself. And please, leave the hockey stuff to hockey fans and leave the vulgarities for the Islanders. Thanks.
I wanna run away to canada. they have hockey players on their pringles.
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